The "lie" that was told to us has been proven again in that it does snow here and it does get cold - our weather station reported -10 last night! The snow almost confined us to the estate and if it hadn't been for Julie and some of the neighbours gritting the roads themselves.

The weather put paid to a trip to Edinburgh too - hence the time to consider the Blog,. Still there will be other weekends in the New Year.
As we near the end of our second year in Salcombe we look back at what for us was a significant change in our lives. Overall we would have to say that it has been positive, but there were a few rough patches along the way. These are behind us now and we look

Work for Pete has been busy for a while now and is only just starting to ramp down as he hands off his work to colleagues and tries to remove himself from the corporate whirl. With only a couple of handfuls of working days left we are both looking forward to the Christmas break and a bit if downtime in the New Year.

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