Monday was spent tying up some lose ends with Matt and in the evening we went for our last supper to the Heath Pie and Mash Shop in Dagenham. Since going there with his nan when he was very young he has developed a real love of it and it was his wish that we all went there for a farewell meal. In the day we went to the cemetery to put some flowers on Pete's mum and dad's grave, as Matt wanted to go there before he left.
On Tuesday we took Matt to Heathrow. His sister came too and although we

Pete had to be in Essex for Wednesday so we returned home late that night. The rest of the week was spent at home and for a change we had some really spring-like weather. On Saturday Pete went for a walk to Snapes Point with Brian and Hannah his three-legged bearded collie, while Julie rowed with Nola. That evening we

On Sunday Pete had to travel back to Essex for work in the evening, but in the day we went to the RNLI open day at Bowringsleigh House. The last few times we've been the gardens have been alive with flowers, however, this year due to the cold winter everything was late and there was very little to see. It was a lovely day though and nice

You can see Matt's pictures and follows his exploits on facebook or his Blog from the link on this page in the side panel.

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