Still Busy
Everyone has gone home to Essex, Pete has come and gone to London for work, Julie is working at the Salcombe Deli and we even managed to get out for a walk with friends Linda and Ken on Sunday with Rufus in tow too. All-in-all things are getting back to normal. We've shopped for the essentials that were missing from our move and now have proper beds for any guests that come to stay. For now we feel we've done enough and will give it a while before we decide what, if, any material changes we might want to make to the house.Our Sunday constitutional saw us walking to Snape's Point. Not the greatest weather, but perfect for a three hours walk - not too hot, not too windy
and a bit of cloud cover. We have rather got out of the habit of walking and with all this countryside on our doorstep we really must make the most of it.
Giles removed his boat from our garage today and Pete can now start to sort things out in there. It hasn't been an issue, as we have been too busy to worry too much about the garage. Now th boat's gone we can use the space and, as with garages, we will probably fill it with all the things that garages are filled with and probably never used again - perhaps an opportunity to be more pragmatic?School friend Rob and his wife Penny dropped by on Friday with their dog Toast on their way to Cornwall for a short break. It's great that people keep
us in mind when they come this way. We haven't seen Rob and Penny since before Christmas and it was great to see them again. We met up last year at the funeral of a mutual friend of our age and it makes you realise the frailty of life and another reason to do the things you want before it's too late.The weather is still changeable and the BBQ Summer has now been down-graded by the Met Office to something a lot worse. July has been one of the wettest on record, but it really hasn't had too much impact on us or our guests. Let hope for a better August.
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