North Sands Salcombe

North Sands Salcombe
One of the reasons we moved to Salcombe

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Moving Day

Today is the day we move into our new home. It was the 1st of January this year that we moved to Salcombe and have rented since then and now, six months on, we have our own home. Next step is to get the office transferred with our phones and broadband - fingers crossed!


this too will pass said...

Good Luck Pete; I hope the new home brings you both great joy.

Liz said...

Good luck to both of you in your new home - if you're as happy as we are here then that will be FOUR very happy people in Salcombe..... :)


Pete said...

Thank you both for your good wishes. We are both very happy and to be sure we are not the only only four. The view from our new house is stunning (well we think so and that's all that matters) and the last few evenings sat out in the late evening watching the sun set across the fields in the peace and quiet has been great. If I can get my home office back up and running by Monday I'll be even happier!