Rower Vs. Cyclist
When we first moved to Devon our son Matthew suggested we keep a Blog, but it took a couple of months to get round to it. Pete was a bit undecided, however, once he looked into it, encouraged by a work friend, he found it is a fairly easy thing to do. It does take time and to do it well and not make it into an industry Pete decided on this format - three pictures every week and some text to keep family and friends informed. It will also serve us a diary of what we did and when, although it certainly doesn't cover off all we have done and thought throughout the week. Pete would dearly love to spend more time on it to include more pictures and having looked into it again we still think this is the best format, as it imposes some discipline into the process. Pete will try to upload some more photographs that can be accessed from the slide shows in the left-hand pane of the Blog.
This week started as a really windy one and has ended on a fabulous high - the town is buzzing today (Whit Sunday). Julie worked at the Deli and they were really busy. Pete on the other hand had time to sort out some personal bits and pieces and get his bike out of the garage, dust it down, pump up the tyres and cycle the new foot/cycle path to Marlborough. Cycling here can be hard, due to the significant hills, but the cycle path has offered a relatively flat (by comparison) route of about 4-5 miles return. Pete has started, but can he keep it up though?This week we have found the time to get out even though Julie has worked and Pete's been working away for a few days. On Monday we were
able to walk Rufus. On Friday we managed to get out in the late afternoon and had a couple of drinks and a bbq at the Winking Prawn on North Sands. Saturday we went for a walk down to Collaton and later rang Mark and Sue to see if they needed a lift back from the Deli. The weather on Friday was good, but Saturday was even better, so we ended up having a drink in the Victoria Inn. Sunday was another working day for Julie, but again we had a lovely evening sitting and eating out with friends Linda and Ken in their garden.As we have said before we are settling into Salcombe life and the opportunity to use the evenings as leisure time is certainly coming to fruition. There is a community here we never had back in Dagenham and opportunity to get involved in so many things is on your door step, so much so that Julie has now started at the rowing club. She enjoyed her first stint on the water - calm warm evenings don't always happen though. Watch this space - Julie's rowing vs. Pete's cycling. Who will give up first...
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